- Fas: blom
- För odling i: COGr
- Dosering: 4ml / L
CANNA COGr Flores is a complete professional nutrient for the blooming period of plants growing in COGr boards. It stimulates fruit development and provides an unequaled juice production. COGr Flores, combined with COGr growing medium, is the nutrient for experienced growers. COGr Flores contains all essential elements for optimal flowering. pH-stabilizers and humic and fulvic acids.
Start in the vegetative phase with CANNA COGr Vega, and then in the flowering phase, you switch to this one for ultimate conditions to produce unique flowers and fruits.
CANNA uses only high-quality, pure nutrients and chelates that can be absorbed directly and entirely by the plant. The dosage bottle is made of polyethylene (no PVC or cadmium), an easily biodegradable and recyclable plastic.
Shake well before use.
Do not mix A & B concentrate directly; insoluble combinations will occur that the plant cannot absorb.
Put first A in the water solution and mix well, then you put B and mix well.
Store closed in a dark and frost-proof place (UV light breaks down iron chelates in the nutrient)
COGr Flores A
4ml/L water
COGr Flores B
4ml/L water
(NPK 3-3-7)
3.4% Nitrogen.
2.7% phosphorus.
5.9% Potassium.
3.5% Calcium.
1.5% Magnesium.
3.0% Sulfur.
0.007% Boron.
0.001% Copper.
0.028% Iron.
0.014% Manganese.
0.002% Molybdenum.
0.007% Zinc.
0.35% Silicon.
0.13% Fulvic Acid.
0.13% Humic acid