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- Fertilizer form: Liquid
- Growing medium: Soil, Hydroponics, Coconut
- Purpose : Flowering and fruiting
- Type of fertilizer: Mineral
Silic Rock is a silicon fertiliser that helps your plant against a hidden problem: silicon deficiency. Silicon improves the absorption of nutrients that are essential for your plant. Silic Rock contains silicon in a form that is easily taken up by the plant. It strengthens cell walls and increases resistance.
Dosage and use
Shake well before use. Add a maximum of 1 ml of Silic Rock per 1 liter of water (1:1000). Use this solution during the entire cultivation period each time the plants are irrigated.
ATTENTION: This product is not suitable for hydroponic cultivation methods, such as nutrient film technique (NFT), deep water culture (DWC) and aeroponics.
Silic Rock NPK
NPK fertiliser (1,5-0-1,7), SiO2 (1,0%)