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Без стресса и беспокойства
Благодаря интеграции нашего магазина с дешевыми Почтовыми возвратами покупаешь без стресса и беспокойства, что возврат купленного продукта будет проблематичным.
Простой мастер возврата
Все возвраты в нашем магазине обрабатываются с помощью простого мастера возврата, который дает вам возможность отправить нам посылку обратно.
- Выращивайте свой собственный пак-чой в гидропонной системе, что означает выращивание в воде. Поставляется с 6 капсулами.
By using our easy-grown plant plugs, you can cultivate your very own pak choi at home. The 6 pods that are included are pre-sown with high quality pak choi seeds and are suitable for cultivation in water, also known as hydroponic cultivation. The pods are made from compostable coco coir, peat and important nutrients.
The high-quality pak choi seeds will give you a leafy plant with strong stalks and rich flavour. It gives a great additional texture to any food you want to pair it with. The smaller leaves can be used as “baby leaves” in salads while the bigger ones are great to eat fried, in ramen or with fish.
How to use the plant plugs:
- Prepare your Harvy (or hydroponic system of choice) with water and nutrition
- Place the pods in the plastic net pots and remove the protective stickers from the pods
- Lower the net pots into the openings of the hydroponic system
- Wait patiently for 3 weeks and watch as your plants start to grow!