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- На этап: рост, цветение
- Для выращивания в: почве, кокосе
Stratrex is an organic fertilizer that improves soil conditions and boosts your plants' early development stages. It contains many soil bacteria that immediately work to improve the soil and ensure better uptake of organic fertilizers.
Most potting soil is sterilized to kill weed seeds and germs, killing all the beneficial soil bacteria and fungi. The result is that the soil life in your potting soil takes a long time to become established. Mixing your earth with Startrex ensures that your soil comes to life immediately for your plant to take root more quickly.
Startrex Usage:
Mix 250 grams of Startrex with each square meter of potting compost.
Composition: -
The most essential 3 components that Startrex has fulvic acids, humus, and silicon. Fulvic acid is the primary transporter in nature, and it enters plant cells and brings nutrients to the cells that need them.
Keep cool and dry. Keep out of reach of children. Not suitable for consumption.