AS System / Max Grow
Bielska 88 str.
43-392 Miedzyrzecze Gorne
Bank: Pekao Sa
Account numer for:
EUR: PL32 1240 6449 1978 0010 4680 9642
SEK: PL82 1240 6449 1798 0010 7727 8264
USD: PL45 1240 6449 1787 0010 7727 8219
GBP: PL09 1240 6449 1789 0010 7727 8088
Feel free to contact us by phone, skype or email:
Tel : + 48 789 755 307 (en, ru, pl)
Skype: MaxGrowShop
info@maxgrowshop.com - Cases of orders / shipments, - equipment consultation,
If you are interested in opening your own shop or currently run your own shop, welcome to cooperate. We offer fast shipping, a wide range of extremely low prices, discounts.